유틸리티란/일반 유틸리티

Freeware PDF unlocker - PDF 제한해제

울스 2011. 5. 2. 15:51

 인쇄나 다른이름 저장에 제한이 걸린 PDF파일을 한방에 푸는 프로그램이다.


§ 사용법 : 제한이 걸린 PDF파일을 바탕화면에 열쇠모양 아이콘에 드래그해서 던지면 OO_noPW라는 이름이 붙은 제한이 해제된 PDF파일이





Freeware PDF unlocker;
It is a freeware program that will remove the password and restrictions on any PDF file that you can read. Most commonly used to remove restrictions such as No printing or copy & paste functions. Uses a simple drag and drop method. You do not need to know the "owner" password for this to work. Removes 40 or 128 bit passwords. Works as well as any retail or shareware program you could purchase.
Gets me steamed up when others charge for a GUI front end over a freeware engine. 

Bonus:Convert from PS or EPS to PNG bitmap (900dpi).  7650x9900 page
I recommend Irfanview if you need to convert, crop or resize the PNG.

Enjoy this freeware utility.

It's limits are;    Requires Windows?2000, XP or 2003.
1. If you can not open to read, with or without password, then it will not work. (unknown "user" password)
2. Make sure the directory of the original file is not read only, as the new file will be saved to the same directory.

=========================================================================================== 원본글: 네이버 MnPlay님 게시글 중


▷  분할압축 첫번째 다운로드

▷              두번째 다운로드

(※ 두 파일을 한 폴더에 다운받은다음 압축을 풀어야 함 ※)
