팁 & 테크/XP 관련

펌) USB 자동실행 메뉴 복구하기

울스 2008. 5. 31. 18:51



USB 자동실행이 뜨지 않는 드라이브를 선택하고 Repair 를 클릭한뒤 재부팅이나 로그오프후 로그온하면

효과가 나타난다.


http://cafe.naver.com/dowajo.cafe?iframe_url=/ArticleRead.nhn%3Farticleid=183003 멋진 성이님 글


트윅된 내용

AutoFix [V5.2.3790.67]
Time [2008-05-31 18:44:12]
Microsoft Windows Version [5.1 (Service Pack 3) <2600>]

Test [The Shell Hardware Detection service is running.] - Instance [N/A]:
    Result [AutoStart Setting]: OK
    Result [The Shell Hardware Detection service is running.]: OK

Test [Policies] - Instance [G:\, Drive Type: 2]:
    Result [HKCU\...\Policies!NoDrives]: OK {Absent}
    Result [HKCU\...\Policies!NoDriveAutorun]: OK {Absent}
    Result [HKCU\...\Policies!NoDriveTypeAutorun]: OK {Absent}
    Result [HKLM\...\Policies!NoDrives]: OK {Absent}
    Result [HKLM\...\Policies!NoDriveAutorun]: OK {Absent}
    Result [HKLM\...\Policies!NoDriveTypeAutorun]: Problems {Present}
    >> Repair << [HKLM\...\Policies!NoDriveTypeAutorun]
      Step: Resetting policy HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer!NoDriveTypeAutorun to 0x000000B1.
      Result: This AutoPlay setting was successfully fixed.

>> Required action: The user must log off and log on again
